Introduction & Summary
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The hypothesis behind this site is the same as the book "Divine Alignment", in which the author proposes that God divinely aligns certain events in our lives to bring about His outcomes. In the timeline below, it can be broadly divided into three categories; Christian Life, Business Life and Tim's Death.
I can see God's guiding hand in all three areas of my life, and this is why I have decided to share my life with you in the hope that you too might be able to see God's guiding hand in your life as well. And if you don't believe in God already, I would hope that this might give you some pause for thought of the possibility that God could be real indeed!
As previously mentioned, the timeline can be divided into three broad areas; Christian Life, Business Life and Tim's Death. I would just like to give you a brief summary of each of these areas to show you the common thread that runs through them and how I believe that God has divinely aligned certain events to bring about His outcomes.
It is my assertion that God has a plan for each of our lives, and He uses certain people, events and decisions to bring about those outcomes. Indeed in the book of Revelation He clearly states that He puts it in people's heart to fulfil his will so that His outcome is fulfilled. - Revelation 17:17
That is not to say that everything that happens on earth is God's will, but he allows our own flawed free will and judgement to be used on many occasions!
From what I have seen in my own life and what I have experienced from other people's lives, it seems that God makes His presence more known during greater times of trial or tragedy, and where the event in a person's life is of more significance to its outcome. I have seen this in my own life and read about it in others.
I would like to show through this timeline how through God's foreknowledge of events you can see a common thread that runs throughout our lives, and only after looking back can you see how God divinely aligned the smallest of details to try and bring about His plan for your life.
Business Life:
| My first purchase of shares in 1995. This would set the theme for a later business and eventually a divinely inspired business idea. |
| The continuation of a stockmarket theme, winning the NZSE Challenge. |
| A chance reading of a stock market forum post would lead to the creation of, a #1 ranked Google site worldwide for many popular forex search terms. |
| GoForex would earn up to $43,000 in one month with only 30 minutes per day required to maintain it. |
| The site was put up for sale in August 2009 with an asking price of US$1 million. |
| I received an offer of NZ$1 million for the site. |
| I was approached unsolicited by a NASDAQ company called Internet Brands (INET) to sell my site to them. They said it would be a "keynote addition" for them. |
| I told my Dad that if I get US$1 million for, then I would buy him a car he asked me about. |
| The exact car, model and colour we chose turned up at the small local car dealers lot. |
| The worst offer from any business so far from a company with US$40 million in cash, and a market value of US$350 million. |
| An offer from a business colleague worth up to US$2.1 million. |
| I sent a letter to Graeme Hart seeking to be mentored, not knowing what was coming 10 months later. |
| An idea for a new business - divinely inspired from God! |
| Specific details of the divinely inspired idea from God. |
| The only time God has ever got me to ask him a question! |
| I sold my site to a European-based company. |
Christian Life:
| Playing Zacchaeus in the annual school religious instructions class play. |
| Biblical prophecy convinced me that the Bible was real and God was true. |
| The number of the 'antichrist' and the home of my flat! |
| I would later look back and realise that this was direct inspiration of God. |
| God will provide. |
| God's guiding hand directing our steps and our paths! |
| My point of view on the so-called "Two State Solution". |
| A very clear message, designed particularly for my circumstances. |
| Right on the money with my call from the previous day! |
| An amazing time to be spending in Israel, next to the Sea of Galilee. |
| Picture Gallery! One of my favourite places to visit in all of Israel. |
| God's guiding hand again, letting me know that He is controlling my path! |
| A trip designed by God himself. |
Tim's Death:
| Preparation for what was coming exactly 6 weeks later to the day. |
| Some interesting events leading up to Tim's death. |
| Tim's Death |
| Tim's Funeral held 10 days after the accident, and the beginning of a series of 4 messages from God. |
| Part II of an answer to prayer from the previous day. |
| The answer to prayer from two days earlier, and the meaning of yesterday's Fortune Cookie! |
| The second in a series of 4 messages from God, this one particularly directed at me, but made for everyone. |
| The third in a series of 4 messages from God, a message from our US-based lawyer. |
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