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I Have Communicated With God.

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Note: This story appears in chapter 1 of my new book, "Proving God with Numbers, Second Edition", available now!

This is the one time I have had a direct one-to-one conversation with God, and He initiated it! He then went on to prove it was him by showing me two real-life, verifiable, concrete proofs that it was Him who I communicated with.

By Steve Moxham
December 13, 2015

This is a message for atheists and those who don't know if God exists or not.

How do I know that God exists or not? Because I have personally and directly communicated with him. How can I prove that?

While I cannot prove that completely and beyond all personal doubt that may exist out there, I can point to several factors that may support my assertion.

1. God provided me with proof in the sense that what He showed me was a mathematical assumption based on a rate of return that someone was likely to make.

To understand that better, I will have to tell you what God told me. This is my story:

While lying in bed, not thinking about anything, I suddenly felt the Spirit of God come upon me and I immediately knew what God wanted me to do. He wanted me to ask him a question about how much my business was worth to a NASDAQ company which tried to acquire my website business over a year earlier. So I did.

I prayed to God and asked Him how much my website business was worth to Internet Brands, Inc. I started at US$550,000 and went up in $100,000 increments until He stopped me at US$1,250,000 or US$1250k. When He stopped me at US$1250k ($1.25 million) it was like hitting a brick wall! There was no further room to go, either up, down or sideways!

Ironically, the time that the last email arrived from them in the acquisition process was at 12:50PM - the exact number which God had let me know my website was worth to them! ($1250K.) See image opposite.

This was my first experience of communicating directly with God and it was an interesting one to say the least!

People say that they 'hear' the voice of God, but this was not any voice or words. It was all done in the Spirit of God where He hears your inner thoughts and voice!

So getting back to my original point about proving the existence of God, I'll have to draw your attention to the valuation document which I created for "Internet Brands, Inc" over a year earlier before this all happened.

In that valuation document I calculated that my website would add approximately US$2.5 million to Internet Brands's overall market value listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange in America. It wasn't until several months after talking with God that I went back to this valuation document and saw that I had calculated that my website would have added US$2.5 million to their overall market value, and that the US$1.25 million that God had told me that my website was worth to them was exactly half the value that I had calculated! That was an eye-opener!

So what does that mean? It means that if Internet Brands had offered me US$1.25 million for my website business, then they stood to double the value of their investment after purchasing it! So why did God wish to tell me that? Because it had a devastating impact on my life in that the people who were supposed to buy my website business at that time, did not, having only offered me US$400,000 - US$500,000 for the business. This represented 32-40% or 1/3rd to 2/5ths of God's valuation!

While that may not 'prove' God for many people, it is the only time I have ever had direct one-to-one feedback and communication with what many of us call 'God'!

So I can say hand-on-heart and without a shadow of a doubt that God exists and is real, and is ready to communicate with you too! All He asks is for an open heart and mind, and a willingness to believe in that which is unseen, but still real, and still exists today!

Update: January 13, 2020:

On January 12, 2020, around nine years to the day since I had this direct conversation with God, I discovered something rather interesting.

In early 2010, I had tried to revive this deal with the company that had tried to acquire my website. However, on January 16, 2010, I received the last ever email that I would receive from them, letting me know that the funds for the acquisition of my website had been allocated to other deals, and that they were no longer able to negotiate with me.

Nearly one year later, on or around the 13th of January 2011, I had my direct conversation with God, letting me know how much my website was actually worth to them. I was intending to email them and let them know what happened, however, I didn't feel that God wanted me to, so I let it go.

Then, about three days later on January 16, 2011, exactly one year to the day that I received the last ever email from them, I felt God allow me to send them an email. So, why did God make me wait? It appears that He wanted to let me know that He had His hand on this from the beginning, and made sure that I knew it by aligning the timing to exactly one year to the day! Otherwise, why would He make me wait?

It took nearly nine years for me to discover this, or exactly 469 weeks to the day from the day I sent this email on Sunday, January 16, 2011, until Sunday, January 12, 2020.

For a more detailed explanation of this event, click here, or for an interesting side note to this article, click here!

God Bless.

P.S. For further reading, see the top 7 messages I have received from God, including 4 messages we received from God after my little brother's death, and his final destiny. Click Here.

Book Recommendation:
Read My Book Review of Theophany - The Prayer of Garth
If you want to know the true power of God and his ability to transform someone's life, including miracle healings in front of someone's eyes, read this book! There is perhaps no better example of God's divine manifestation and power to heal that I have read than this book. Click Here to Read Now!

Download the FREE Kindle App to read this book on any device.

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