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In this article I will share with you my experience of how God communicates with me, and use several examples to back up my point. I will share with you the one time I have had a direct one-to-one conversation with God, a powerful message to read a chapter of the Bible, and a divinely inspired business idea given to me in a moment of time.

I would just like to share something with those people who don't understand or know what it means to hear from or communicate with God. It is something that is probably very personal to most people, and everybody may have a different experience of it - if they do at all. It is also something that I have been thinking about a lot lately, and how I have come to understand and realise through experience, how God communicates and talks with me.

For me, the way that God communicates with me could be best described as "divine inspiration". That means that when God communicates with me, it often comes as immediate information, coupled with spirit or power, that often compels me to act. That is why I call it "divine inspiration". It is external information that is delivered to me and compels me to act in order to achieve God's desired outcome or purpose either in my own life or in others. Sometimes I might even feel it come into my body!

It has taken me quite some time to figure out and recognise how it is that God communicates with me, but through time and experience, I have been able to boil it down to that explanation. This website is basically a testament to what God has done for me and how He communicates with me.

God has actually tried to prove Himself through me using numbers to back up what I have said on this website.

There are quite a few examples where God has done this.

There is one time in my life where I have had a direct conversation with God where I have had immediate feedback to my questioning. I wrote about that here. Some months later, God backed up this conversation with two real-life "proofs" that I had indeed had a direct one-to-one conversation with God. I knew it was real, but the real-life confirmations provided me with some tangible evidence to back up my claims and hopefully to try and prove it to others!

There was another time when God - or the Spirit of God - got me to go and read a particular chapter of the Bible - Revelation 22. I wasn't even sure that there was a chapter 22 in that book! You can read about that here. This was probably the clearest and strongest message I have received to go and do something! When I found the part that I was supposed to read, the verses really made a big impact on me and jumped out at me! I knew what God had wanted me to see!

Though God did not provide me with 'proof' that it was His Spirit behind it, I knew by the force of the Spirit that compelled me to act that it was indeed Him! And then the verses that I read were proof in and of themselves that God was behind it.

Another time, God gave me a complete 'blueprint' for a business plan. This was probably the most interesting and unusual event, in that I physically 'felt' the idea coming down above my head and down into my body. As it did, I knew all the salient points about a new business from beginning to end in a moment of time. That was quite amazing! This was supposed to be the business that I was supposed to start, assuming that I had sold my previous business to a company that approached me to buy it, and was the subject of the conversation I had with God mentioned above.

Unfortunately, because I didn't sell my existing business to the people who should have bought it, I wasn't able to set up and start this new business which God had divinely inspired! You can read more about that here. Over time, God 'proved' that He was behind this idea, simply by the way the stock market performed over the next more than 7 years.

So when I talk about "hearing God", this is what I mean.

God proves Himself day in and day out, we just have to watch, wait and listen for His call. And when He does call, we have to be ready, willing and able to carry out His will so that His purposes are accomplished. If we do that, we will align ourselves with God, and ensure that His will is done.

If we ignore God's will, or choose to go against it, we may miss out on the blessings that He wants to bestow upon us or others! That's why it is so important to be able to recognise how God communicates with us, and then to be able to act upon His will. That way we will be ensuring that God is able to bestow the gifts and blessings upon us and others that He chooses to!

By Steve Moxham
April 28, 2018


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