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Life After Death

The Role of a Prophet

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On April 5, 2024, I came to the conclusion that what God was doing through me in my book was essentially the work of a prophet. God has appointed prophets throughout the church in order to deliver a message to His people, both within and outside of the church. Those who believe, and those who don’t.

The point is to edify the body of Christ, so that people are encouraged and exhorted to listen to God and do His will. We all need from time to time encouragement in our faith to stay true to God’s word and follow the right path. Without that direction or encouragement, we may lose faith and fall away from the correct path. It is in that vein that my book has been written, with direct messages from God that serve to not only prove His existence, but those of Jesus as the Messiah as well.

God has drawn upon many aspects of both Christianity and Judaism in order to prove His message, from both the Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox churches. He has drawn extensively from Judaism in order to prove that Jesus is in fact the Messiah, with a particular emphasis on the Jewish story – both the good and the bad. I believe that He wants to speak directly to Jews through my book.

God is essentially the author of my book, and I am just its mouthpiece. I have tried to interpret the messages from God to the best of my ability, and present them to you in the book. How successful I have been at that will be up to you to decide.

It has been a very enjoyable and interesting experience writing the book, and I had no idea where it was going at its outset when God inspired it. I just had to follow along and see where it took me. There is a lot I still need to learn, both from God, the Bible, and Christianity and Judaism itself. That said, God has taken me on a journey of discovery that I wouldn’t have known otherwise, and hopefully you will learn something along the way as well!

Like most things in life, it is a work in progress!

My only hope is that you take the words and messages in the book seriously, because they have meaning and purpose beyond what we currently see here on earth. The glory to be revealed in us in the world to come awaits us, and I can only hope that you join me for the ride! God and heaven awaits us! I hope to see you there.

God Bless,

Steven C. Moxham
April 5, 2024

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