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- - The site which I founded in 2004 and sold in October, 2013.
- TEAR Fund Enterprise & Empowerment - A hand-up not a hand-out. Empowering local communities with education, training and resources to start small businesses to get out of poverty.
- Prison Fellowship - Christian programmes and fellowship for those in prison.
- World Food Programme - Every $1 you donate to the World Food Programme buys $23 worth of food!
- SmileDial - Helps families with special needs children!
- Good Shepherd - Providing low and no-interest loans for essential items and services in New Zealand.
- Mercy & Grace Ministries - A charitable trust serving the poor and needy in India.
Religious Interest:
- Akiane Gallery - A child prodigy born to an agnostic and an atheist who visited Heaven, and then painted several images of Jesus Christ. Her book is available here.
- Christian Answers - A great article on creationism and many more articles on vexing questions about God, evolution, the Bible and life itself!
- The Temple Institute - A site dedicated to the rebuilding of a third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Donate and get your name on the official donor's wall!
- Koinonia House - A wealth of biblical information, studies, and books including the popular "Learn the Bible in 24 Hours" series from well known Bible study teachers Chuck and Nancy Missler. The Misslers shifted to New Zealand, acquiring The River Lodge in April 2010.
- In Plain Site - An interesting site with alot of information.
- Blue Letter Bible - Search the Bible online in many different translations, including commentaries, study tools and more!
Cool Stuff:
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