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God Know's The Future Before We Do. Here's Proof:

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Miracle Healing In Front of Their Eyes!

Theophany They Watched As Their Son's Thumb Miraculously Healed Itself Before Their Eyes! Read More


Life After Death

Four Messages from God

Life After Death


Signs From God


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Life After Death

Internet Brands

On GoForex.net: "It would be a keynote addition to our growing portfolio of communities."
- Internet Brands, November 18, 2009
Mkt Cap: US$350 million (approx.)

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Nov 18, 2009:

Approached by Nasdaq-listed company Internet Brands (Nasdaq: INET) to buy my site, approximately 1 month to the day after first taking it off the market. As far as I know, they didn't know that my site had been or was for sale, so it was just excellent timing that they identified my site as a good potential target acquisition for their business. Funnily enough, the site was being hosted a few miles up the road from Internet Brands in Santa Monica on the outskirts of Los Angeles, and had been for the last few years. I suggest to them that Enis Mehmet could manage the site on their behalf.

Spend 8 solid days between Nov 26 - Dec 3 writing a 50+ page instruction manual for Internet Brands of my own volition, including several pages containing a detailed blueprint on traffic and revenue growth. The site that I conceived, built and ran from my bedroom would also be sold from my bedroom, without ever physically meeting anyone involved in the entire forex industry in five and a half years!

Original Email from Internet Brands

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Proving God with Numbers, Second Edition

Proving God with Numbers, Second Edition

The second edition of my book is available now in both paperback and Kindle formats!

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In 1998 I sent an email to Richard Branson suggesting "Virgin Galactic Spacelines". Three months later the company was formed. More...

Why Donald Trump Was Elected

Donald Trump Israel Seven

Pentecost & The Feast of Weeks

The Garden Tomb"The Garden Tomb", Jerusalem - a potential location for Christ's resurrection.


Business Class to Israel - Click Here

Business Class to Israel

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Life After Death:

Tim's Cross

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Life After Death

Do you believe in life after death?

The Elijah Challenge

God inspired a new trip to Israel. See the challenge!


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