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The Number 17

August 11, 2024

(2 minute read)

Here are some discoveries that I made with regards to the most recent trip to Israel that God inspired. They revolve around the number 17.

Here is what I found:

  1. The trip begins on the 17th of Tammuz (Fast of Tammuz marking the breach of Jerusalem’s walls by the Romans in 70 A.D., prior to the destruction of the 2nd Temple)
  2. The trip ends on the 17th of Elul, exactly two Hebrew months later (The anniversary of the start of WWII in 1939 – (Sep 1)
  3. The first and last destinations on the trip were inspired exactly 17 weeks apart (Taupo & Tutukaka)
  4. There are 17 days between the first and second destinations on the trip
  5. The first visit to Israel is to last 17 days (Aug 11–28)
  6. The Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth was inspired on the 17th of Nisan (a potential resurrection date of Jesus), and was due to occur on August 17th
  7. The first and last inspired visits to Jerusalem were inspired exactly 17 weeks apart in the Hebrew calendar (18 Kislev – 19 Adar II, 5784)
  8. My departure date to Israel falls exactly 17 weeks to the day since Iran’s first attack on Israel on April 13. August 10 is the Sabbath Day, also known as “Shabbat Chazon”, or the “Sabbath of vision/prophecy”. It is based on the Haftarah reading of the day from Isaiah 1:1–27, based on Isaiah’s vision over Judah and Jerusalem. It is also known as the “black sabbath” – the saddest sabbath of the year, and is the last of a series of three sabbaths known as the “Three of Rebuke”.

Some of the biblical and non-biblical references to the number 17 include:

  • Noah’s Flood began on the 17th day of the 2nd month (Genesis 7:11), and the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat exactly five months later on the 17th day of the 7th month (Genesis 8:4).
  • Some believe that Jesus was raised from the dead on the 17th of Nisan – the same day that the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat in the Hebrew civil calendar.
  • Joseph, one of the 12 sons of Jacob was given his coat of many colours and sold into slavery by his brothers at the age of 17. He was reunited with them 22 years later in Egypt, where his father lived for another 17 years before his death at the age of 147 (Genesis 47:28).
  • The vote to create Israel in the United Nations occurred on the 17th of Kislev on November 30, 1947, Israeli time.

I'm not sure what all this means yet, but it seems to go beyond mere coincidence!

Itinerary: July–September 2024

Inspired: Dates: Location: Days:
Mar 19, 2024 Jul 23–24, 2024 Taupo, New Zealand 1
Apr 2, 2024 Aug 9–10 Auckland Airport 1
Apr 4, 2024 Aug 10–11 Transit 1
Apr 21, 2024 Aug 11–13 Ramallah, West Bank 2
Apr 6, 2024 Aug 13 Church of Nativity, Bethlehem
Apr 3, 2024 Baptism @ Qasr al-Yahud
Jun 6, 2024 Western Wall, Jerusalem
Mar 8, 2024 Aug 13–16 Jerusalem, Israel 3
May 18, 2024 Aug 14 Mt. of Olives
May 5, 2024 Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
Apr 26, 2024 Capernaum, Galilee
May 3, 2024 Aug 15 Mt. of the Beatitudes, Capernaum
Mar 31, 2024 Aug 16–17 Nazareth 1
Apr 24, 2024 Aug 17 Church of Annunciation, Nazareth
Mar 21, 2024 Aug 17–18 Caesarea 1
Apr 2, 2024 Aug 20–21 Dead Sea 1
May 2, 2024 Aug 21–22 Jaffa 1
Apr 20, 2024 Aug 22 Mt. Carmel, Haifa
Mar 29, 2024 Aug 23–26 Jerusalem 3
Apr 1, 2024 Aug 27–28 Eilat 1
Apr 9, 2024 Aug 28 Visit Auschwitz
May 10, 2024 Aug 30 Visit Auschwitz
Apr 27, 2024 Sep 2 Visit Auschwitz
Apr 12, 2024 Sep 3 Visit Auschwitz
May 15, 2024 Sep 5 Visit Auschwitz
Apr 14, 2024 Sep 6 Visit Auschwitz
Apr 2, 2024 Sep 10 Visit Auschwitz
Mar 12, 2024 Sep 12 Visit Auschwitz
Nov 30, 2023 Sep 13–16 Jerusalem, Israel 3
Apr 4, 2024 Sep 18–19 Transit 1
Nov 21, 2023 Sep 19–20 Tutukaka, New Zealand 1

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Allow others to pray for your needs by submitting your prayer request here.

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God Knows the Future Before We Do.

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God knew this would happen!

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I decided to write this timeline of God's divine alignment in my life, a few days before reading the book from which this document got its name, because I didn't want to forget all the things that God has done, and continues to do in my life.

I originally wrote it for myself, but as I started sharing it with a few people, it became necessary to expand and elaborate on a few things, so that it would be understandable to anyone else who happened to read it. I readily understand that many people do not believe in a God, however, I can say from direct experience that I have personally communicated directly with Him, and you can read about that here.

A Message to Atheists - Click Here

Is God Real? Yes! And I Will Prove it to You!

Article: God's Plans Vs. Free Will - Click to Read

Top 7 Messages from God:

I have highlighted and 'ed entries which I believe show more of a direct presence of God in my life, including the links below:

1. Divine Inspiration - A full business plan - divinely inspired from God

2. Talking With God - God got me to ask Him a question!

3. Revelation 22 - The final chapter of the entire Bible

4. God's Fingerprints! - The hidden hand of God at work in our everyday lives

5. Life After Death - 4 messages from God about Tim's final destiny

6. Hong Kong - Part II of "Divine Inspiration" above - specific details

7. Ordered Steps - God's hidden hand at work again, ordering our steps!

The hypothesis behind this site is the same as the book "Divine Alignment", in which the author proposes that God divinely aligns certain events in our lives to bring about His outcomes. In the timeline below, it can be broadly divided into three categories; Christian Life, Business Life and Tim's Death. (Summary continued…)

I started writing this timeline on January 7, 2013 - which I have since learned is the Orthodox Christmas - and continue to update it as God shows me new things, brings things back to mind, or new events occur.

90 Minutes in Heaven 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper

Compare the description of heaven below with Don Piper's account of what he saw after he died and came back to life: (Chapter 3)

"And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass." - Revelation 21:21

Thought For Today: Jul 17, 2020: "Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn." - Matthew 13:30


Timeline of God's Divine Alignment In My Life

"Man's goings (are) of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way?"

- Proverbs 20:24

"But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, (yea), and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are....For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." - 1 Corinthians 1:27-28 & 18

"The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up." - 1 Samuel 2:7

Quote: "I think this provides an interesting insight into what God deems to be an acceptable return on one's capital..." - Read More

Late 1987:Zacchaeus Play
1995:Why I am a Christian
Mar 1995:My First Shares
Feb 1997:666 Great King Street!
Dec 1998:Virgin Galactic
Dec 1998:NZSE Challenge
May 1999:Virgin Galactic Formed
Feb - May 2004:Start Learning About Foreign Exchange
May 1, 2004:Registering GoForex.net
May 2004:GoForex Developed
Late May / Early June 2004:GoForex.net Launched
Oct 29, 2008:Meeting John Key
May 4, 2009:My First Suit
May 26, 2009:To HELL and back!
May / June 2009:Preparation & Premonitions
Jun 14/15, 2009:Tim's Death
Jun 24, 2009:Tim's Funeral
Jun 25, 2009:"It is Given to You to Discern Higher Truths"
Jun 26, 2009:"The Road to Milford Sound is Open".
Aug 2009:GoForex For Sale - US$1m
Sep 14, 2009:First Offer
Sep 25, 2009:Site Hacked!
Oct 19, 2009:Took Site Temporarily Off-Market
Oct 2009:Vision of a Nissan 370Z
Nov 5, 2009:A Potential Manager for My Site
Nov 9, 2009:Second Offer
Nov 18, 2009:Nasdaq Company Internet Brands
Nov 20, 2009:Internet Brands Phone Call
Nov 18 - Dec 3, 2009:Nissan Qashqai Ti
Dec 2, 2009:God is Good!
Dec 4, 2009:Divine Alignment
Dec 22, 2009:Internet Brands Offer
Dec 24, 2009:A Christmas Message
Dec 24, 2009:12:50PM
Jan 7, 2010:An Alternative Offer
Feb 2, 2010:Singapore Air Show
Feb 20, 2010:Letter to Graeme Hart
Apr 10, 2010:Israel Inspiration
May 9, 2010:Luxury House
May 23, 2010:Business Class to Israel
May 29, 2010:God's Fingerprints!
Jun 2010:Mantis Capital Investments
Dec 26, 2010:Divine Inspiration
Jan 5, 2011:Hong Kong
Jan 13, 2011:US$1250k - Double or Nothing!
Jan 21, 2011:Proverbs 11:24
Apr 14, 2011:What's in a Name?
Mid 2011:Proprietary Trading Business Launch Date
Sep 21, 2011:Two State Solution
Apr 5, 2012:Revelation 22
Oct 6, 2012:Tweet to Sir Richard Branson
Dec 18, 2012:A 1250% Return
Dec 28, 2012:Toyota Camry
2012:2012 NZX Performance
Jan 14, 2013:12:50PM!
Jul 30, 2013:Faith in the Night Seasons
Aug 15, 2013:Gay Marriage
Aug 16, 2013:Earthquake
Oct 4, 2013:Sales
Oct 16, 2013:Transaction Completed
Dec 25, 2013:Christmas Day in Israel
Dec 28, 2013:Jericho, Israel
Jan 7, 2014:Ordered Steps
Apr 27, 2014:7 Month NZX-50 Performance
Jan 18, 2016:God's Divinely Guiding Hand
Jun 3, 2016:Third Trip to Israel
Jul 5, 2017:The Godwink Effect
Aug 29, 2018:Proving God With Numbers

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Proving God with Numbers, Second Edition

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