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Life After Death

The Light

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I was in winter after spending almost a year in a hell hole and just getting high I was so depressed I allowed the drug to take control over all my senses I could not make the right decision if I tried. I had spent years looking faith in all the wrong directions I was very much interested in God and Jesus I new the Holy Spirit was real and story's about Angels true. No matter what I did till Yeshua/Jesus decided to intervene and save me I always ended up on the streets and the bottom of the garbage that became my life.

It was right after Thanksgiving I was hustling on the streets at convenient stores thinking as I was high on Meth how easy it was to keep it up it all went to my habit and while it was raining I crossed the street on a red light and was hit by a car that ran over me and it was a hard hit I remember the tire going over my head. I sat up after the impact and got up someone brought over a umbrella and the driver stood far off but did stop. The ambulance came all I know is there was a white light that took over me and I was out for a while I went to this white light and wanted to stay there is was Jesus God I knew it was a better place that I wanted to be and not in the mess I existed in and the streets because of my addictions. I believe I died and went to heaven though I was never declared dead by anyone medical personal I just woke up in the hospital a day later and they had checked me out for broken bones and bleeding on the brain I bled for a while but it stopped and I would be released from the hospital.

I never felt more alone in my life and hung on to the white light experience and wondered what God was going to do. I had to return to the shelter I lived in had no money but was very tired and sore I could not even get a prescription for pain medications filled since I lost my insurance by missing a meeting with the agencies that provided the insurance. God said at some point he was going to save me help me out as he put it and since then no matter what he has been at my side for all situations and needs that I might have been in and rescued me from me and all that had become of me which was nothing I had amounted to nothing and new this was my last. life through the years and the challenges in it and the troubles I caused my self he has come through in faith for me and proven to me he is personal in relationship and real. I have more today and things working out going in the right direction than I did ever before I would not trade the grace and mercy kindness and love for anything else he is the Good Good Father and more. I want to brag about him today and all that he is doing and done. I love my God and the Trinity.

By Danny Masters Skipper, Nov 6, 2019

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